
How to write your affirmations so that they add strength to your goal setting ... and give you staying power to see them come true...

Affirm Your Choices - The Power of Affirmations to Design and Guide your Life Choices by empowersU

How to write affirmations ... Each morning, each evening, you find somewhere - to sit and read and re-picture, re-feel, to build on and grow your belief That seems to be one of the eternal problems ...

Finding a goal, dividing the journey to achieve the goal in manageable steps … that always seems easy … easy compared to the actual doing of it ... the follow through.

You know that seeing your goal ~ picturing your dream, is straight forward.

After all, you know the situation you want to leave behind ~ you're in it now.

So if you open your eyes, ears and heart to what's around you right now - picture your life with what you want changed, improved, gone, added … now ... Well, that's your goal … simple really.

So after you've identified the start of your journey ~ the now ~ and you've seen the proposed stop-over on your journey … you plan the journey … plan the stop-overs on the way, dividing the large dream in to smaller ~ bite size, manageable ~ chunks.

Then … then … well, there's the problem for many of us.
It's how to stick to your plan. Sticking to making those stop-overs on your journey. Achieving the small steps so that the b i g pace can be achieved … stick to your plan ...

Thinking about your goal, you're excited - seeing it achieved, see yourself there.
The first few days, weeks … you carry the excitement with you … but, but if you can't keep the momentum going for more than 3 - 4 weeks, you find things gradually sliding a w a y . . . . .

You need to remind yourself, reinforce the feeling you get when you see, hear, feel yourself getting there - achieving your goal.

Imagine yourself in a wrap-around cinema, with full quality surround sound, moving seat, with all the smells, the movement, the warmth, the cool … all the elements that make up YOUR goal picture … now,

And you need to do it every day … every morning and every evening … build on build on build on all your sensations, strengths and convictions … you need,

You need to make affirmations -

Tell yourself, remind yourself, order yourself - that you ARE going to get 'there', your 'there' --- and use your feelings of achievement you get when you see, hear, feel the then - the there - and make it NOW. Use the now-ness of the feelings (you are feeling these now after all), and connect, and join, and fix them to your affirmations --- feelings and words fused, intertwined, so that you cannot help but to feel the feelings when you read the words …

The words … So now you write your affirmations, your promise to yourself, that you will - you ARE, going to follow ALL the steps necessary for you to feel those feelings on the date you promise yourself -

You get several pieces of paper, your favourite pen or pencil …
You see, hear, feel … again and again and again and write …

Write down with passion your feelings - what you feel when you see yourself 'there', now - Be free, don't think, just write, write what you feel when you see yourself in 'there' …

I write "happiness, contentment, family, bliss, warmth, relaxed, secure … "

Carry on … on with the feelings of being 'there' now …

I write "I feel happy, content and blissed knowing that my family and I are happy, excited, relaxed, in an environment of warmth, trust and security - able to share the same with each other and others"

Be specific, go into your feelings picture, picture it, now see the details, be specific -

  • I write "I am healthy, eat well and exercise regularly"
  • "I enjoy time with my family every day, enjoying the morning and evening time we spend together"
  • "I enjoy the time I have to read and learn each day"
  • "I enjoy and relish the time I invest in my business, helping others"
  • "I love life and the choices I make of it"
  • "I earn £100,000 a year"

my summary picture …

Now remember the steps along the way, the stop-overs on the journey, you grab those feelings of each step - starting now with first steps … become more specific still, deeper into your picture meaning now … remember to stay positive, focused …

  • I write "As I start each day, I see the vast potential of the choices I have at hand"
  • "I meditate every morning for 10 minutes"
  • "I exercise every afternoon for 15 minutes"
  • "I enjoy an hour of play with my son every day"
  • "I enjoy listening and talking with my partner every evening with our favourite music playing"
  • "I look forward to reading and learning for an hour every evening"
  • "Every day I find a way to add value to what my customers receive"
  • "By the end of this month I will have added another 10% to my regular income"

This list of affirmations - promises to myself - change, grow, develop as the months build. At each month start, the list is reviewed, added to, built on, to the next start-overs that need to be gained and enjoyed …

Enjoy the journey as much as the goal …

Remember to reward and find happiness and pleasure in all start-overs, for the satisfaction of achievement it does bring you.

You will find satisfaction in getting to each step, each start-over … building self-confidence, building a stronger and wider vision, stronger senses of the feelings you have when you picture your goal, now …

Now find the nicest piece of paper you have in the house - or go out and buy some …
Get your favourite pen and pencil, and re-write what you have written, in your best hand, with your picture in mind, minding to be specific, positive, writing in the now, and for the best …

I re-write:

  • I feel happy, content and blissed knowing that my family and I are happy, excited, relaxed, in an environment of warmth, trust and security - able to share the same with each other and others
  • I am healthy, eat well and exercise regularly
  • I enjoy time with my family every day, enjoying the morning and evening time we spend together
  • I enjoy the time I have to read and learn each day
  • I enjoy and relish the time I invest in my business, helping others
  • I love life and the choices I make of it
  • I earn £100,000 a year

  • As I start each day, I see the vast potential of the choices I have at hand
  • I meditate every morning for 10 minutes
  • I exercise every afternoon for 15 minutes
  • I enjoy an hour of play with Samuel every day
  • I enjoy listening and talking with Kathy every evening with our favourite music playing
  • I look forward to reading and learning for an hour every evening
  • Every day I find a way to add value to what my customers receive
  • By the end of this month I will have added another 10% to my regular income

I add -

Each time I read and contemplate this list, these words, my feelings grow in strength, grow in belief and fact, help me achieve easily and fully.

I sign and date this contract with myself.

Each month you review, re-write this contract, adding new start-overs, as you get nearer and nearer and nearer to live in your picture …

Each morning, each evening, you find somewhere - to sit and read and re-picture, re-feel, to build on and grow your belief … you create a naturalness, a regularity of doing this - create a habit … enjoyable, fun, natural, and with anticipation …

Now, go do it, and let me know the results …


Originally written in 2003, copyright empowersU